Establishment of the AIS
The Aeronautical Information Service (AIS) is a critical component of aviation safety, established to provide accurate, timely, and standardized aeronautical information essential for flight operations. Mandated by ICAO under Annex 15 of the 1944 Chicago Convention, AIS ensures the safe and efficient flow of air traffic globally. Its primary functions include the collection, validation, and dissemination of aeronautical data through tools such as the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP), NOTAMs, and aeronautical charts. Evolving into Aeronautical Information Management (AIM), AIS is adopting digital technologies to enable real-time updates and support advanced navigation systems. Managed collaboratively by ICAO, national authorities, and centralized databases like the European AIS Database (EAD), AIS plays a vital role in ensuring global aviation safety and operational efficiency.
AIS services
Aeronautical information is provided in a standardized presentation consisting of the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP), including amendment service, AIP Supplements, Aeronautical Information Circulars (AIC), checklists and list of valid NOTAM). Letter of Agreement and Service letter of agreement.
Civil Aviation Department Suriname (CADSUR)
The Aeronautical Information Service (AIS) forms part of Civil Aviation Department Suriname (CADSUR) which is a department of the Ministry of Transport ,Communication and Tourism. It consists of an AIS Headquarters (SMZO), International NOTAM Office (NOF) (SMJP) and aerodrome AIS units (SMZO/SMJP).
AIS objectives.
The object of AIS is to ensure the flow of accurate aeronautical information necessary for the safety, regularity and efficiency of international and national air navigation within the Paramaribo FIR. This is achieved by the publication and distribution of the Integrated Aeronautical Information Package (IAIP), as specified in ICAO Annex 15– SARPS for AIS (CARS Part 20) and ICAO Annex 4 –SARPS for Aeronautical Charts (CARS Part 15).
AIS Aerodrome Unit SMZO
Pre-flight information bulletins (PIB), Documentation of Annexes and ICAO DOCs. Pre- flight information service
AIS Aerodrome Unit SMJP
Flightplanning, Pre-flight information (service)
Issuing and promulgation of NOTAMs and distribute it internationally.