

Historical background

Standards and recommended practice for aeronautical information services were first adopted by the Council on 15 may 1953, pursuant to the provisions of Article 37 of the convention on international civil aviation ( chicago1944), and were designated as Annex 15 to the convention.

The purpose Aeronautical Information Service

The Aeronautical Information Service , or AIS is a service established in support of international civil aviation, whose objective is to ensure the flow of aeronautical data and aeronautical information necessary for global air traffic management (ATM) System safety, regularity, economy, and efficiency in an environmentally sustainable manner.  

Corrupt, erroneous late or missing aeronautical data and aeronautical information can potentially affect the safety of air navigation.

Civil Aviation Department Suriname (CADSUR)

The Aeronautical Information Service (AIS) forms part of Civil Aviation Department Suriname (CADSUR) which is a department of the Ministry of Transport ,Communication and Tourism. It consists of an AIS Headquarters (SMZO), International NOTAM Office (NOF) (SMJP) and aerodrome AIS units (SMZO/SMJP).

AIS objectives.

The AIS Headquarters is the point of contact with the Aeronautical information services of other States.
This is required for the international exchange of aeronautical except NOTAM. This point of contact is for the interchange of all elements of the integrated aeronautical information package except NOTAM. Hours of operation: Monday to Friday office hours (Saturday, Sunday and public holidays closed). Located at SMZO Aerodrome.

The object of AIS is to ensure the flow of accurate aeronautical information necessary for the safety, regularity and efficiency of international and national air navigation within the Paramaribo FIR. This is achieved by the publication and distribution of the Integrated Aeronautical Information Package (IAIP), as specified in ICAO Annex 15– SARPS for AIS (CARS Part 20) and ICAO Annex 4 –SARPS for Aeronautical Charts (CARS Part 15).

AIS Aerodrome Unit SMZO

Pre-flight information bulletins (PIB), Documentation of Annexes and ICAO DOCs. Pre- flight information service

AIS Aerodrome Unit SMJP

Flightplanning, Pre-flight information (service)


Issuing and promulgation of NOTAMs and distribute it internationally.