Historical background
Standards and recommended practice for aeronautical information services were first adopted by the Council on 15 may 1953, pursuant to the provisions of Article 37 of the convention on international civil aviation (Chicago 1944), and were designated as Annex 15 to the convention.
The history of aviation is characterized by innovation, exploration, and a relentless pursuit of safety. One of the essential elements that contribute to this safety and efficiency in aviation is the Aeronautical Information Service (AIS). The AIS plays a critical role in disseminating vital aeronautical information and data, ensuring that air navigation and related operations occur seamlessly.
The way in which aeronautical information is gathered and managed is governed by ICAO Annex 15 – Aeronautical Information Services, adopted by Civil Aviation and Safety Authority Suriname (CASAS) as CARS Part 20.
Since corrupt or erroneous aeronautical information/data can potentially affect the safety of air navigation, CADSUR ensures that the aeronautical data and aeronautical information provided by AIS are complete, timely and of required quality in accordance with CARS Part 20.3.2.
Civil Aviation Department Suriname (CADSUR)
The Aeronautical Information Service (AIS) forms part of Civil Aviation Department Suriname (CADSUR) which is a department of the Ministry of Transport ,Communication and Tourism. It consists of an AIS Headquarters (SMZO), International NOTAM Office (NOF) (SMJP) and aerodrome AIS units (SMZO/SMJP).
The policy of AIS Suriname is to provide the highest level of aeronautical information necessary for the safety, regularity, and efficiency of international regulations. This policy is carried out through collection, collation, edition and distribution of aeronautical information in compliance with ICAO standards and recommended practices and national regulations.
Object of AIS Suriname
The Aeronautical Information Service is a division of Civil Aviation Department Suriname which ensures the flow of aeronautical data and aeronautical information necessary for global air traffic management (ATM) system safety, regularity, economy and efficiency in an environmentally sustainable manner within the area of its responsibility.
AIS collects, collates, assembles, edits, formats, originates, publishes/stores and distributes Aeronautical information/ data concerning the entire territory of Suriname and for the airspace over high seas delegated to Suriname for provision of air traffic services.
AIS provides the necessary aeronautical information to facilitate the safety, regularity and efficiency of international and national air navigation for the entire territory of Suriname and for airspace over the high seas encompassed by the Paramaribo Flight Information Region (FIR).
This service consists of AIS Headquarters, international NOTAM office (NOF) and AIS units established at the Johan Adolf Pengel international airport and Zorg en Hoop aerodrome.
AIS Headquarters
Responsible for collection, collation, compilation, processing and dissemination of aeronautical data through regular updates to the AIP and issuance of AIP Supplements, Aeronautical Information Circulars (AIC) and list of valid NOTAM. This unit temporarily includes Map/ Charts. CADSUR has designated the AIS Headquarters to which all elements of aeronautical information products provided by other States will be addressed. It is the office qualified to deal with requests for aeronautical data/information provided by other States and national organizations.
International NOTAM office (NOF)
Responsible for the promulgation of NOTAM and facilitates the international exchange of NOTAM
Aerodrome AIS Units, including ARO functions (AIS/ARO)
Flight Planning and Briefing: These units facilitate flight plan management and pre-flight briefing services. Pre-flight information bulletins (PIB) are available at the Briefing office. Verbal briefing can also be provided on the basis of aircrew request.